Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

Saturday marked the start of an amazing spring break. I have never had a week in my life to just relax. I have never been on a spring break trip or anything of the likes because well, I've always had to work.

Let me tell you how incredible the Lord is. He has worked this out so wonderfully. I had wanted a week to just do nothing. I needed to be someplace where there were NO expectations of me, that I wasn't pulled in any direction and that I could just be with the Lord. A time of rest, relaxation and restoration with my heavenly Father.

My friend Margo is incredible, and her family is too. They live in Louisville, KY and are out of town this week, so they said we could house sit and stay in their house the whole week. Not only did are they letting my friend Wendy and I stay for free, but they are letting us eat their food. They have so much fresh meat from a local butchery (FREE AMAZING STEAK!!!). Plus they left us the key to their car so we could use their car while they are gone. They really went above and beyond the idea of "make yourself at home".

Wow the Lord has blessed me greatly! He worked this out perfectly as He always does. I was worried and really there was no reason to worry.

Wendy and I went to church yesterday and it was incredible. The church is called Sojourn. If you live in's like Harvest but more young people and better worship music. I loved the community aspect of the church. They gave us all name tags (ex. Lonley, Childless, Hungry) and then the pastor told us what the church will be involved in coming up. He asked us to break up into groups and pray for these things and the people in Louisville. It was such a beautiful picture of the body working together, loving together.

Each day, in my job, in relationships, and even this week of rest, I am reminded how faithful and amazing the Lord is. I hope that as you read this you can think of ways the Lord has been faithful to you. It is His character and He wants to reveal that to you!

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