Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My "day" off

Currently I am sitting at starbucks reading, writing, and of course checking facebook.
I just got handed a Branson Missouri...I have a huge beastly leather Bible on my lap...does that kid really think I need a track?

What does that say about me? Does it speak that I don't look like a Christian? But then again, what does a Christian look like?

Or more importantly what does it mean about my heart, that I got so offended when he handed me a track? Honestly he is doing more than I do for God's kingdom. What do I do? How do I stand out as a Christian? I guess I don't. It's quite convicting this whole evangelism thing. The idea of it is brilliant and because I am in a relationship with our Heavenly Father my heart should be for evangelism and yet it's not.

Honestly I hate the idea of tracks, the giving of a little handout with little relationship/interaction involved. What is that supposed to do? But in reality it's scripture and it speaks...God speaks through it. It is His word. And obviously it strikes something within a person who gets a did me. So it struck something different in me than salvation, but either way the Lord speaks.

I dunno just my thoughts about that interaction...maybe my view of tracks has changed? Maybe I am being convicted of my lack of love towards unbelievers...I need to share what is so freely and costly given to me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inside The White House

So, I thought I would try this blogging thing. I am not sure how often I will blog, or even what I will write about. Maybe it will be about what I am learning, what I hate, what I love, or maybe just the random thoughts that go through my often strange mind.

Sometimes I wonder what it would look like on paper if I just typed what I thought. People say sometimes that they want to know what goes on inside this crazy mind of mine. Maybe this will help them, or me to know what I am all about.

We Shall See...